Friday, January 8, 2010

In memory of R.S.

The life of a property manager can sometimes be overwhelming. From the continual telephone calls, emails, maintenance – to the skills we learn on the job such as social work, counselling, budgeting, legal legislation and multi-tasking.

All this within 24 hours of our day – never doubt that a good property manager is worth their weight in gold!!

So what happens when one of your tenants passes away? What happens when your tenant has no family? What do you do? How do you know what to do?

Death must be one of the toughest emotions we all experience through our life, the loss of a loved one can sometimes be difficult to understand.

But what emotions do you experience when your tenant, who is in his 90’s, who comes into your office every month to pay his rent, passes away on Christmas Eve, alone, with no family to share Christmas with or to be at his bedside during his last moments and no one realizes he is missing for 2 weeks.

Death will always be sad – but no one deserves to die alone.

Today was a sad day…

We will miss you Rene!

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